Gigi News

COSMOS has launched! June 17, 2015 10:19

Happy New Moon, loves!  I am so thrilled to launch my new line, Cosmos, today!  I have been preparing for this line for 5 months now. So much goes into creating a themed line like this.  It starts with the original concept, followed by tons of research.  I read many articles about space and watched the series, Cosmos, twice, as well as many other videos I found on You Tube about the Universe.  I kinda geeked out on some Ancient Aliens, too...  

I had the fortunate luck of going to Kitt Peak National Observatory with my family while I was in Tucson sourcing gemstons for the line at the Gem and Mineral Show.  I was able to view the heavens from one of their massive telescope and saw Jupiter and four of its moons, including Europa.  

Once I sourced my stones, I spent a whole month designing.  I was gifted a lesson in lost wax casting by my friend, Charles Jones, an amazing and established sculptor from Boston that Kansas City gets to now claim as our own.  I am so blessed to have him as a mentor and supporter.  I have been teaching myself to metalsmith and incorporated both of these new techniques in this line.  I combined these techniques with the laser cut design process I have used for many years to create this collection.  I use a cutting company in Lee's Summit called  High Tech to do my cutting and etching.  They're the best and they really take care of me.

Once I had my designs ready to go, I hired Kelley Walker Chance of Kelley Photo.  We have worked together in the past and she is amazing!  We work so well together, magical things seem to happen when we put our heads together.  I found four gorgeous models and styled the whole shoot.  I could not be more pleased with the results!

Today, I just finished my website and tonight I'm having a launch party at my studio.  I have worked non-stop for five months to create this line.  I'm so pleased to share Cosmos with you!  Please feel free to join me tonight in my studio from 5-9pm to celebrate and shop the new line.  I purposely chose today's new moon as my lauch day as new moon energies are the best for launching new projects. Come enjoy this evening with me and let's raise a glass to our beautiful dark moon! 



Grand Opening Soon! April 14, 2015 10:24

Thank you so much for bearing with me while I set up my website.  
In the meantime, you can follow Gigi Moon on Instagram:  @gigimoongems  
Love and Light, 