Gigi News
Full Super Snow Moon in Virgo February 2019 February 19, 2019 19:56
Happy Full Super Snow Moon in Virgo

The full super moon in the Earth sign of Virgo peaked this morning, February 19th, at 7:54am PTZ. We entered the watery sign of Pisces today as well. The February full moon was traditionally called the Snow Moon by the Native Americans as February typically gets the most snowfall of all the months each year. A super moon happens when the moon is closest to the earth. This lunar month's Spirit Animal and Gemstone Art features Roly Poly and Pearl. You can buy a 5x5 print.

"This Super Full Moon is also potent as it falls at zero degrees of Virgo. Zero is the number of potential and limitless opportunities. Zero is the blank canvas of all creation, signaling that this Full Moon is really going to offer infinite potential."
"February’s Full Moon is going to help us realize our potential and also the potential around us, it is also going to open us, broaden our horizons, and encourage us to open our minds and hearts to something beyond our current reality."
To really benefit from the potency of this super full moon, try her Full Moon Ritual tonight.
Here's what my other favorite astrologers have to say about today's Super Full Moon:

Roly Poly, also known as Pill Bug, is my spirit animal choice for this Full Moon. I should rather say that it chose me, as the one in the artwork literally walked acorss my jeweler's bench and cast its shadow on my hands while I was working on a project. It's shadow made it look menacing and huge but when I looked up, it was just a little old Roly Poly. I used to love playing with these harmless little "bugs" when I was a kid. I would gently nudge them with a twig to make them roll up like an armadillo into a little ball of protective armour. After such a serendipitous meeting in my new studio, I immediately researched Roly Poly spirit animal meaning online and learned that Roly Poly’s are not insects, but in fact, crustaceans, like crab, shrimp, barnacles, lobster and krill. They are the only crustacean that lives on land.
Roly Poly’s message is to go PLAY! Reclaim your inner child. Live IN THE MOMENT! We all must work but play is also a must for rejuvination, self love and emotional health. Roly Poly asks us to balance both aspects of life. Roly Poly reminds us to protect ourselves from those who don’t have our best interest in mind. They remind us that we can have clear protective "armour" when we set clear boudaries. The remind us to embrace who we are, to have self confidence and to stand in our power.

I chose pearl because it popped in my mind. When I saw we were entering Pisces today, I felt like it was perfect. Pearl symbolizes innocence, faith and purity. It resonates with the sacral and heart chakras. Pearls are known as the, "Stone of Sincerity", as they are a symbolic of truth and personal integrity. They promote a happy marriage and family tradition. Pearls resonate with both the heart and sacral chakras. They're wonderful tools to regulate female reproductive organs and combat the symptoms of PMS as they naturally connect our bodies with the rhythms of the tides and moon. They help one to realize their true nature and to love themselves more. They help bring happiness and uplift moods.

These are 14.5 - 15.5 inches long and have extender chains making them adjustable. They're handwrapped in copper or antique brass and are $67 each! They're listed in the Gemstone Section.
Iolite, Green Chalcedony, Grey Labradorite, Citrine, Carnelian, Green Fluorite, Jasper, Black Onyx, Rose Quartz
I took the photos for these on Shipwreck Beach, some even on the wreckage of the Peter Iredale herself. She crashed her in 1906 and her bones have remained. Shipwreck Beach is a tourist attraction that draws people year round. It's a 20 minute drive from my apartment and one of my favorite places in Oregon.

New Chakra Gemstone Necklaces!
$25 - $40
Emerald, Peruvian Opal, Pyrite, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Unakite, Solar Quartz, Sardonyx, Tanzanite, Aqua Chalcedony, Pyrite, Red Jasper, Druzy Quartz, Rainbow Fluorite, Rutilated Quartz, Chrysophrase, Red Tiger's Eye, Phrenite

Straight from Tucson and available in your choice of Antique Brass or Antique Silver 16 inch chain. There are 19 new offerings all listed in the Chakra Gemstone Section. I took some of these product shots on a more recent shipwreck. I'm not sure what it's story is, but I find it to be beautiful. They don't call this area the Graveyard of the Pacific for no reason. There are more shipwrecks here than any other part of the world.

Join me this Sunday in Portland at animal.plant.mineral. for a Maker Trunk Show. I'll be popping up with two other artists and the whole store is full of hand crafted, mostly locally made items.

Stay tuned to my Instagram for new product uploads, more shipwreck photos and other PNW views. Enjoy this Super Full Moon! Love and Light to you all.
July 8th/9th Full Buck Moon July 9, 2017 14:46

According to Farmers Almenac, "July is normally the month when the new antlers of buck deer push out of their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, for the reason that thunderstorms are most frequent during this time. Another name for this month’s Moon was the Full Hay Moon."
This Full Moon lies in earthy Capricorn while the Sun is in the watery sign of Cancer. Dualities at play indeed! Here's what some of my favorite astrologers have to report:
This full moon called me out into nature, and I made sure to walk and hike a bit both days. I felt compelled to take in the full moon's energy. I recommend getting outside and soaking it up!

July 13th
If you live in Kansas City, come by my studio this Thurdsday night for my summer clearance sale. 25% off all items and some things up to 50% off.
Gigi Moon Studio
115 W. 18th St. Ste. 205
KCMO, 64108

Mini Palm Analysis by Madison Joy
Chair Massage by Jackie Haines
Happy Full Moon!
March 12th Full Moon Sale March 12, 2017 14:42

Happy Full Moon!
Enjoy 25% off using code:
"Full Moon Sale"
Now through WMarch 15th at midnight